Leadership Development
Our leadership development strategy at Grace Church is preparing new leaders through apprenticing, equipping existing leaders through huddles, and inspiring all of our leaders through two rallies each year.

Preparing New Leaders
“Two to three potential leaders meeting with an existing leader anytime, any place, to review training modules that prepare them to lead in a particular ministry.”*
Modules can be found in Mac Lake’s books: Leading Others, Leading Leaders and Leading a Department.
Modules can be found in Mac Lake’s books: Leading Others, Leading Leaders and Leading a Department.
Equipping Existing Leaders: Huddles
“Leaders at each level of the pipeline gather with the team directly under their leadership for a time of peer-to-peer learning.”** Huddles include five components: connect, celebrate, check-up, coach, and communicate.
Free example huddles can be found here: https://www.maclakeonline.com/huddles/
Free example huddles can be found here: https://www.maclakeonline.com/huddles/
Inspiring All Leaders: Rallies
These are large two-hour gatherings to inspire all leaders in the church. A typical rally will include surveys, casting vision, prayer, and equipping through teaching a leadership principle.
*Mac Lake, The Multiplication Effect, p. 108
**Mac Lake, The Multiplication Effect, p.p. 113-114
Serve Teams
Guest Services, Worship & Production, GCKids, GCStudents, Fellowship, Safety team, Medical team, Care team, Prayer team, Men’s ministry, Women’s ministry, Joy ministry, Parking lot ministry .
**Mac Lake, The Multiplication Effect, p.p. 113-114
Serve Teams
Guest Services, Worship & Production, GCKids, GCStudents, Fellowship, Safety team, Medical team, Care team, Prayer team, Men’s ministry, Women’s ministry, Joy ministry, Parking lot ministry .